Benchmarking FKP Udayana University to FPIK Brawijaya University

FKP Udayana carried out benchmarking activities to FPIK Brawijaya University on Thursday, November 23, 2023. In this benchmarking activity, Dr. Pande Gde Sasmita Julyantoro, Vice Dean II for General and Financial Affairs was accompanied by five staff consisting of Tendik and Laboratory Technicians. The arrival of the FKP UNUD team was warmly welcomed by the Dean of FPIK UB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Maftuch, M.Si. and Vice Dean II, Dr. Ir. Muhamad Firdaus, MP., as well as UPT Laboratorium FPIK UB.

A warm atmosphere characterized the activity, creating a positive atmosphere that supported the exchange of information between FKP Unud and FPIK UB. This benchmarking activity aims to establish communication and cooperation between marine and fisheries faculties. In this benchmarking activity, many things were discussed including financial governance, laboratory governance, and sharing related to PTNBH. After sharing activities, the FKP UNUD team visited several laboratories at FPIK UB.