The Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries (FKP) is the youngest Faculty at Udayana University (UNUD) which was established on 10 October 2011 with the Rector's Decree Number: 680/UN.14/HK/2011 concerning the establishment of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries at Udayana University. FKP was established to ensure equitable educational opportunities, improve the quality and relevance and efficiency of education management to face local, national and global challenges. FKP has a role in developing Science and Technology (IPTEK) and preparing human resources who have academic abilities in the field of marine and fisheries science as a follow-up to the implementation of Indonesia as a maritime nation, and to support national development. FKP (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences) offers two main study programs: Aquatic Resources Management and Marine Science. These programs focus on the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and the exploration of marine resource potential. With a comprehensive curriculum and research aimed at advancing the marine sector, FKP is dedicated to producing globally competitive graduates and supporting Indonesia's maritime development.