Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Involved in BRIN and JAMSTEC Cooperation in the installation of Air Traffic Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) receiver system devices

The Faculty of Marine and Fisheries is one of the youngest faculties at Udayana University which was established in 2012. However, this does not make FKP inferior, as evidenced by the various collaborative activities that have been implemented with domestic and foreign partners in the fields of education, research, and service.

Friday, 15 September 2023 FKP was visited by the Geospatial Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) represented by Dr. Fadli Syamsudin who conveyed his intentions and objectives to collaborate with FKP for the installation of Air Traffic Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) receiver system devices. This project is a collaboration between BRIN and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). In his presentation, Fadli explained that "This ADS-B instrument utilises the latest measurement technology in vertically observing atmospheric parameters with near real time measurement time to obtain data on air temperature, air pressure, wind direction and speed. The combination of vertical observations of the ADS-B upper atmospheric profile is very useful for monitoring hydrometeorological disasters such as floods that have often occurred in the Indonesian Maritime Continent, and cannot be accurately observed using satellites". This was welcomed by the leadership of FKP which was attended by the Dean (Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Nuarsa, M.Si), Vice Dean III (I Wayan Gede Astawa Karang, S.Si., M.Si, Ph.D), and the Coordinator of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit (Dewa Ayu Angga Pebriani, S.Pi., M.P). I Wayan Gede Astawa Karang as the leader of FKP who participated in the project said that, "FKP is ready to collaborate with BRIN by preparing the location for installing ADS-B system devices". Of course, through this collaboration, it is hoped that FKP and BRIN will collaborate again on other phenomenal projects in the future.