Field lecture of Aquatic Resources Management Study Program cooperates with Pengambengan Perikanan Nusantara Port

(02/12/2023) The Aquatic Resource Management Study Program, Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries conducted a field study at the Pengambengan Perikanan Nusantara Port (PPN), Jembrana. On this visit, the MSP Study Program invited 150 students as participants in the courses of Fisheries Biology, Population Dynamics, and Small Scale Fisheries Management. In addition, 3 lecturers and 12 practicum assistants who directed the field trip activities this time.

PPN Pengambengan is one of the government agencies which is part of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. This field study activity is one form of implementation of the Cooperation Agreement. The Head of PPN Pengambengan (Andi Mannojengi) along with other staff gave a speech at the beginning of the practicum. Furthermore, the lecturer of the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program gave directions regarding the technical practicum that would be carried out. In this field study, practitioners from the Small Scale Fisheries Management Course were assigned to conduct interviews with fishermen and capture fisheries actors at the port. Population Dynamics practitioners identify fish caught by fishermen and then take morphometric measurements, while Fisheries Biology practitioners dissect fish to determine the reproductive condition of fish obtained from PPN Pengambengan.

At the end of the activity, students together with lecturers and staff of PPN Pengambengan held a discussion and closed with a group photo event. PPN Pengambengan expressed its openness to various activities that can involve the institution to be able to advance fisheries in Bali. FKP lecturers (I Ketut Wija Negara, Dewa Ayu Angga Pebriani and Made Ayu Pratiwi) welcomed this with several follow-ups for the next collaboration, one of which was to conduct a water study in the Bali Strait which would be implemented through joint research.