Informasi Seminar International Information on International Seminar
Menunjuk surat dari lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat universitas negeri Yogyakarta nomor : 187/UN34.21/TU/2014 tertanggal 4 maret 2014 perihal seperti tersebut diatas, maka bersama kami sampaikan foto copy tentang seminar international ICERI 2014 ( International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation) (foto copy kami lampirkan di bawah ini) Demikian kami sampaikan , atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih. Referring to the letter of community service and research institution of Yogyakarta public university number: 187/UN34.21/TU/2014 dated at the 4th of March 2014 on the matter mentioned above, we would like to inform the copy of ICERI (International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation) International Seminar 2014 (we attached the copy below) Thank you