International Cooperation Follow-up, The SeaCleaners Visit the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Udayana University.

November 22, 2023, the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries of Udayana University (FKP UNUD) welcomed a visit from The SeaCleaners group. The 12 members of The SeaCleaners team were Scientific Advisory Board Members from France and Australia.

The Dean of FKP UNUD, Prof. I Wayan Nuarsa, directly welcomed The SeaCleaners along with the Vice Dean I, Mr. I Gede Hendrawan, and the Coordinator of the Study Program, Mrs. Dati Pertami, as well as several lecturers.

The meeting which was held in the lecturer meeting room Lt. 2 FKP UNUD took place conducively. The Dean of FKP started the meeting by introducing the staff and describing the profile of Udayana University and FKP UNUD. Then, the activity continued with a discussion about the follow-up cooperation between FKP UNUD and The SeaCleaners. Vice Dean I of FKP UNUD said that, "Although FKP UNUD is still a young faculty, currently FKP UNUD is developing rapidly, especially in the fields of research, education and service. Thus, support from international organizations such as The SeaCleaners is needed". In the future, the collaboration between FKP UNUD and The SeaCleaners will touch many areas of education and research specifically in the field of plastic waste management, both in Bali and Indonesia.

After the two parties discussed, they agreed to focus more on designing programs at the next meeting. Program plans that will be followed up include guest lectures from The SeaCleaners researchers, research collaboration with lecturers, and the potential for external supervision of student final projects (theses). Then, the visit ended with a group photo and hospitality.