Invite Professor from Rostock University Germany, FKP Unud held a Guest Lecture "Fish Health in Aquaculture (This Includes All From Bacteria to Parasites)

Guest lecture is a routine activity carried out by the Faculty of Keliatan and Fisheries (FKP) which aims to increase the knowledge of FKP lecturers and students. The Guest Lecture held in the framework of the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University presented Prof. Harry W. Palm who is a Professor of Aquaculture and Sea-ranching from the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (AUF), Rostock University. The speaker is also a member of the International Advisory Board (IAB) of Udayana University. The title of the activity was "Fish Health in Aquaculture (This Includes All From Bacteria to Parasites)".

The Guest Lecture which took place in Room 4.5 of the Senate Building of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries was attended by no less than 100 people, consisting of students and lecturers of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, and invited from other universities, namely the Biology Study Programme, Faculty of Information Technology and Science, Hindu University of Indonesia. Participants other than students and lecturers came from the staff of the Denpasar Fish Quarantine, Quality Control and Fishery Product Safety Centre (BKIPM) and the Karangasem Superior Shrimp and Kekerangan Parent Production Centre (BPIU2K).

The activity lasted about 2 hours, which was opened by remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Nuarsa, M.Si, followed by material presentation and discussion. The Guest Lecture material discusses, among others, diseases in fishery commodities caused by bacterial, protozoan and parasitic infections. In aquaculture, we must pay attention to water quality, bacteria and parasites. Improving the quality of water quality must consider the presence of parasites, because certain parasites (Trichodinid) eat bacteria found on the surface of fish skin. Fish that will be moved to other places must go through quarantine to avoid the spread of fish diseases. Participants were enthusiastic with many questions related to fish health.
The Guest Lecture was closed with the submission of the speaker's certificate by the Dean of FKP, a group photo, followed by lunch that had been prepared by the seminar committee. FKP Unud as a provider of higher education in the field of marine and fisheries will try periodically to present professors from renowned universities both from within and outside the country to build a more modern and up-to-date educational culture.