Marine Science Laboratory has duties and functions to support the process of education, research, and community service within the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries UNUD in the fields of physics, chemistry and marine biology. The Marine Science Laboratory can conduct research on physico-chemical parameters of seawater quality, types and abundance of seawater, and abundance of microplastics, identification and abundance of plankton, types and abundance of macrobenthos and identification and abundance of coral reef ecosystem components. Udayana University Marine Science Laboratory also has SCUBA equipment to support various activities of the tridharma of higher education. The availability of facilities and infrastructure that is increasing from year to year is a form of fulfillment of the demand for testing services with increasingly diverse parameters from laboratory service users.
The Marine Science Laboratory of the Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries UNUD consists of a Laboratory Head who is assisted by a Laboratory Technician. The operational time of the Computational Laboratory of the Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries UNUD is every Monday to Friday at 08.00 - 16.00 WITA.
- Biologi Laut
- Fisiologi Hewan laut
- Ekologi Laut Tropis
- Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Kelautan
- Selam
- Bioteknologi Laut
- Koralogi
- Mikrobiologi Laut
- Ekotoksikologi Laut
- Sedimentologi
- Planktonologi
- Selam Ilmiah
- Alat Selam Seet - Scuba Diving
- Conductivity/ TDS Meter
- Current Meter - Flow Pobe
- Digital Instruments pH/ORP,DO,CD/TDS,Saltmeter
- Drying Oven
- Echosounder GPS MAP Garmin 2008/2108i
- Ecman Grab
- Fishfinder 350 C Garmin
- Focussary Screen Perfecto
- GPS Vehicle Tracking Device MVT600
- Incubator Memmert / INB 400
- Kompas Brunton GEO F-5010-070
- Kompressor C 265
- Lemari Pendingin Modena
- Marina Cool Box 24 S
- Neraca – Timbangan Analitik KERN / ALS 4 DGT
- Refractometer ATAGO
- Soil PH Meter Lutron (PH-212)
- Stabilizer ICA / FR 3000 VA
- Thermometer Digital Lutron YK-2001 TM
- Timbangan Analitik SHIMADZHU
- Turbidity Meter Lutron
- Flowatch FL03 Flowmeter
- Furuno DFF 3D Multi Beam Sonar
- Hanna H198193 Waterproof Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter
- Spectrophotometer Thermogenesys 30 Vis Spectrophotometer
- Vacuum Pump