Pelaksanaan Mawapres Unud 2014 Udayana University Outstanding Student 2014

Sebagai tindaklanjut dari pedoman pemilihan mahasiswa berprestasi program sarjana dan program diploma dari direktorat pembelajaran dan kemahasiswaan ditjen dikti kemendikbud 2014, berkut ini disampaikan jadwal tentative tahapan pelaksanaan mawapres tingkat unud 2014 sbb :

  1. Tgl 15 April 2014, Pengiriman peserta beserta kelengkapannya ke panitia (BAK) paling lambat pk 13.00 wita, karya tulis dibuat & disetor rangkap 6 exp.
  2. Tgl 22 April 2014, Technicall meeting panitia, juri, mahasiswa (undangan menyusul)
  3. Tgl 23 April 2014, Pelaksanaan psychotest oleh tim perilaku FK unud
  4. Tgl 24 April 2014, Pelaksanaan Tes Bhs. Inggris oleh Tim UPT Lab Bahasa Unud
  5. Tgl 25 April 2014, Pelaksanaan Prestasi, Penilaian dan Penetapan hasil.
  6. Tgl 2 mei 2014, perbaikan-perbaikan dan melengkapi berkas-berkas oleh mahasiswa predikat I.
  7. Tgl 5-23 mei 2014, pengiriman berkas predikat 1 ke dikti melalui laman
Selanjutnya dalam upaya optimalisasi pelaksanaan mawapres tingkat fakultas, dimohon saudara berpedoman pada buku pedoman pemilihan mahasiswa berprestasi Universitas/Institut/Sekolah Tinggi th.2014 dari direktorat pembelajaran dan kemahasiswaan ditjen dikti kemendikbud dapat diunduh di laman Demikian disampaikan atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih. Salam, Akademika fakultas kelautan dan perikanan Universitas Udayana mawapres 2014 Following the election manual of outstanding student bachelor and diploma program from the education and student directorate of General Directorate of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture 2014, we informed the tentative schedule of Outstanding Student event procedure in the level of Udayana University 2014, as follow:
  1. at the 15teh of April 2014, Students along with their requirements are sent to the committee (BAK) before 13.00 PM, articles are made & sent in 6 copies of full paper.
  2. at the 22nd of April 2014, Committee, Jury, and Students technical meeting (invitation will follow)
  3. at the 23rd of April 2014, Psycho test by the behavioral team of FK unud
  4. at the 24th of April 2014, English language test by UPT team of Language Lab Udayana University
  5. at the 25th of April 2014, The event of Achievement, Marking, and Result Announcement.
  6. at the 2nd of May 2014, Revision and filling files of the student predicate I.
  7. at the 5th-23rd of May 2014, Predicate I file sending to Higher Education through the page
Further effort in optimizing Outstanding Student event in faculty level, we hope you would use election manual book of outstanding student in University/Institute/High School year 2014 from the education and student directorate of General Directorate of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture that may be downloaded at the page Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Regards, Academics Faculty of Marine and Fishery Udayana University mawapres 2014