Pemberitahuan dan permohonan izin pemasangan poster seminar Notice and Requesting Permission in Placing Seminar Poster
sehubungan dengan diadakannya International Biology Conference (IBOC) 2014 dengan tema "Biodiversity and Biotechnology for Human Welfare" pada tanggal 8 november 2014, maka selaku panitia IBOC 2014 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA ITS kami melakukan serangkaian publikasi, salah satunya dalam bentuk poster. Oleh karena itu, melalui surat ini kami mengajukan permohonan bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk menginformasikan hal tersebut kepada seluruh dosen dan mahasiswa serta memberikan izin pemasangan poster di institusi yang Bapak/Ibu Pimpin. Kami melampirkan poster IBOC sebagai informasi lengkapnya. Demikian surat pemberitahuan ini kami susun. Besar harapan kami agar Bapak/Ibu dapat berpartisipasi dalam acara tersebut. Atas perhatian dan kerjasam Bapak/Ibu kami ucapkan terima kasih. In the event of International Biology Conference (IBOC) 2014 with a theme "Biodiversity and Biotechnology for Human Welfare" at the 8th of November 2014, then as the committee of IBOC 2014 Biology Program FMIPA ITS, we would like to conduct a series of publications, one of it in a form of poster. That is why, through this letter, we would like to ask your assistance in informing this matter to all lecturers and students as well as the permission in placing posters in your institution. We attached IBOC poster as the complete information. We really hope you would participate in this event. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.