Pendaftaran Lomba Acara Kekeluargaan Dalam Rangka Dies Natalis Ke 52 Unud Registration of Gathering Event Competition in the event of the 52nd Dies Natalis Udayana University

1 berdasarkan surat di atas kami sampaikan bahwa dalam menyambut Dies Natalis Ke-52 Universitas Udayana, dilaksanakan berbagai kegiatan diantaranya lomba kekeluargaan yang meliput :

  1. Jalan santai
  2. tarik tambang
  3. lari karung
  4. lari Bakiak
  5. Lomba ngelawar
  6. lomba mekekawin
yang akan dilaksanakan pada hari Minggu, tanggal 28 September 2014 mulai pukul 07.00 Wita sampai selesai. Bagi Masing-masing Unit Kerja yang akan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan lomba agar mendaftarkannya di bagian perencanaan dan sistem informasi (BAPSI) Universitas Udayana pada jam kerja. untuk persyaratan lomba kami lampirkan di bawah ini. 2 3 1 Based on the letter
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above, we would like to inform that in the event of the 52nd Dies Natalis Udayana University, there are several events; which includes gathering competition, they are:
  1. Fun walk
  2. Tug of war
  3. Sack jump
  4. Clogs running
  5. Making lawar competition
  6. Singing kekawin competition
that will be held on Sunday, at the 28th of September 2014 starting from 07.00 am until finished. For each divisions that will participate in this competition, are informed to register at the planning information system division (BAPSI) of Udayana University on working hours. competition requirements are attached below. 2 3