SMAN 4 Kabupaten Tangerang Visits Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Udayana University

Today, December 5, 2023, the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries received a visit from SMAN 4 Tangerang Regency. This visit was received directly by the staff and Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance Dr. Pande Gde Sasmita Julyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. The activity began with remarks from the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance who introduced the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries of Udayana University, where the activity was held in the new FKP Building room 4.5.
In the introductory activity, the students listened well and seemed very enthusiastic to know about the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries as evidenced by the many questions from the students during the question and answer session.
At the end of the activity the teachers of SMAN 4 Tangerang Regency gave a souvenir and memento which was directly received by the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance.