In the framework of National River Day, the Aquatic Resources Management Study Programme, Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Udayana University held a fishing competition named Udayana Fishing Competition (UFC) 2023. On 23 July 2023 at Tukad Bindu, Kesiman, East Denpasar with the Udayana Fishing Competition (UFC) executive committee and the wider community as participants who carried out fishing competition activities in order to approach the media between students and the community and add students' insights into the world of fisheries.

The Udayana Fishing Competition (UFC) event this year carries the theme "Increasing Synergy Between Elements in Preserving Rivers and Commemorating National River Day" where the event was attended by the Coordinator of the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program Dr. Nyoman Dati Pertami, S.P., M.Si. Supervisor of the Aquatic Resources Management Student Association Ayu Putu Wiweka Krisna Dewi, S.S.T.Pi, M.P., and the ranks of the Ormawa Faculty of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The event began with a prayer together then continued with the report of the chairman of the committee and remarks from the head of the Aquatic Resources Management study programme as well as opening the competition by symbolically releasing catfish with the manager of tukad bindu. The event was attended by approximately 100 participants with 33 committees. The competition starts from 09.00 - 11.00 Wita where with the provisions of participants who get red banded fish as the first winner, yellow band as the second winner, green band as the third winner, and red and white bands get door prizes. Participants may only use one rod and hook for one coupon and may not use aids to raise fish.

This activity received great enthusiasm from both the Udayana Fishing Competition (UFC) organising committee and the wider community who participated in this activity. It is hoped that the implementation of this activity can accommodate the hobbies of the general public and students, improve the spirit of student socialisation, and strengthen good relations between students and the community. The whole series was closed with a door prize drawing and the main prize was an electric bicycle unit. In addition, as a form of concern for the surrounding environment, after the event was over the committee cleaned up in the Tukad Bindu area.