Sabtu, 30 agustus 2014, Dosen dan mahasiswa Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Udayana melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di SD NO. 4 KUTA, Badung. Kegiatan kali ini mengambil tema “Kampanye Kebersihan Pantai Untuk Anak Usia Dini”. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka Dies Natalis Ke-52 Universitas Udayana dan diikuti oleh siswa kelas I- VI SD yang  berjumlah 45 orang siswa. Dalam kegiatan ini di hadiri oleh Dekan Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Arthana dan Ketua panita I Gede Hendrawan, Ph.D

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Kegiatan ini dimulai dengan acara pembukaan yaitu sambutan dari Wakil Kepala Sd No.4 Kuta dan Dekan Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan. Setelah acara sambutan, kegiatan di lanjutkan dengan materi persentasi oleh Dosen dari Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan I Gede Hendrawan, Ph.D. Materi persentasi tersebut berisi pengenalan biota-biota laut, manfaat laut bagi kehidupan masyarakat, dampak sampah terhadap ekosistem laut, cara menjaga lingkungan pantai dari sampah, serta pentingnya menjaga kebersihan pantai. Selain itu, dalam presentasi di paparkan pula salah satu kegiatan mahasiswa Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikananan dalam Menanalisis sampah di Pantai Kuta. Seluruh siswa kelas I-VI  mendengarkan dan mengikuti isi materi dengan antusias dan bersemangat. Melalui materi ini, diharapkan anak-anak sejak dini peduli terhadap kebersihan pantai dan laut karena laut memberikan banyak manfaat bagi kita semua. SDN 4 Kuta_2 Setelah materi persentasi usai, acara dilajutkan dengan senam ceria (Little Chicken Dance) dan pemutaran video tentang menjaga kebersihan pantai. Seluruh siswa sangat senang dan riang ketika melakukan senam dan mereka pun sangat tertarik menonton video tersebut. Dalam kegiatan ini pula di selingi dengan permainan puzzle berkelompok. Dalam puzzle yang akan disusun oleh masing-masing kelompok bergambar tentang biota dan sampah di pantai. Siswa melakukan permainan dengan semangat, mereka secara teratur dan kompak mengerjakan tantangan menyusun puzzle yang disediakan. Pada akhir acara, seluruh siswa diajak untuk melakukan aksi cinta terhadap pantai yaitu dengan melakukan cap tangan pada sebuah kain sebagai symbol dukungan siswa SD dalam menjaga kebersihan pantai. SDN 4 Kuta_3 Saturday, 30th of August 2014, students and lecturers on Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery Udayana University held a community service activity at  SD NO. 4 KUTA, Badung. This activity is took on the theme of “Beach Clean-up Campaign for Young Children”. This service activity is held in the event of the 52nd Dies Natalies Udayana University and participated by the 1st - 6th grade student of Elementary School (SD), which is counted up to 45 students in total. This activity is also participated by the Dean of Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Arthana and the Head of the Committee, I Gede Hendrawan, Ph.D

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This activity is started with an opening speech from the Vice Headmaster of  SD No.4 Kuta and the Dean of Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery. After the opening speech, the activity continued with material presentation from the lecturer of Marine Science Program I Gede Hendrawan, Ph.D. The presentation material filled with the introduction of marine living organism, the benefit of sea for community wealth, the impact of waste to marine ecosystem, how to keep beach away from wastes and garbage, as well as preserving a clean environment on the beach. Moreover, this presentation also explained one of the students activity at the Faculty of Marine Science and Fishery that conducting a research on waste in Kuta. All students from the 1st-6th grade listened and followed the material content in high spirit and enthusiasm. Through this material, young children are expected to take notice on the clean environment of the beach and the sea, since the sea provide a lot of benefits for us. SDN 4 Kuta_2 After this presentation over, activity is continued by Little Chicken Dance and video play on the topic of preserving beach clean environment. All students are very happy and pleased, when they watched this video. This activity is also inserted with group puzzle game. In the puzzle, it is compiled by the group by using pictures on organism and garbage on the beach. Students done this game in high spirit, they are coordinately and in a good teamwork challenging the provided puzzle. At the end of this activity, all students are asked to a 'love act to the beach' by gathering hand prints on a piece of cloth as a symbol that Elementary School (SD) students are supporting the act to preserve beach clean environment. SDN 4 Kuta_3